Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Superfights (USA.1996)

An earlier film from the crew that spewed out the enjoyable Blood Moon (Director/Action Choreographer Tony Leung, Writer Keith W. Strandberg, Cinematographer Derek Wan ), Superfights is another helping of the same: Candy colored comic book cinematography, a flat and predictable plot and heaps of creative low budget action. The only difference here is that Bloodmoon had one cardboard, but watchable lead, while Superfights only has nerve grating characters that are acted in a fashion that causes uncontrollably bodily expulsion. The guy playing our ‘innocent’ hero Jack is one of the worst actors I’ve seen in a long time and he’s only topped by the villain (who can barely get his lines out), the female love interest, the hero’s mother, the disturbingly buff female fighter ‘Angel’ and…well…You get the drift. All of the acting is bad. When was the last time a film had a montage set to its custom theme song? (SuperFights! Superfights! SUPERFIGHTS) If you’re in desperate need for some quality-grade action cinema, see Bloodmoon, if you liked it, see Superfights, but don’t tell me I didn’t warn you. I would recommend watching it on mute and making up your own story.

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