Friday, June 13, 2008

Definetly Maybe (USA, 2008)

A slight romantic comedy with a solid lead in Ryan Reynolds and an interesting storytelling gimmick to prop up its guy falls in love, falls out love, then back into love scenario. I've gone soft. There's no blood gushing out of wounds, zombies, or explosive action explozzzions to be seen here! Be warned.

Ryan Reynold’s eight year old daughter gets a crash course in sex education at school and asks her dad to tell her the story of how he and her mother met. He decides not to do it straight on and instead tells the story of the three major relationships in his life. He’s changed all the names, so his daughter is going to have to guess which one is her mom.

I don’t expect too much from lovey-dovey films. I suspend my disbelief, want to be entertained and if I’m feeling really optimistic I even expect caring for the characters a little bit. On those counts, Def-Mayb works. I’ve been keeping my eye out on Ryan Reynolds since I first saw him appear in the horrible Van Wilder film and here he doesn’t disappoint. He looks charming, mopey and does the slapstick that’s expected of him. The three female leads are all outstanding charismatic presences (Elizabeth Bank, Isla Fisher, Rachel Weisz) and their characters are different enough to keep you interested. The narrator/story structure keeps things fresh in the face of a pretty uneventful screenplay (There’s bumps and twists but of the predictable variety) with the only negative part being the daughter who suffers from Hollywood kid syndrome. She’s cute for cuteness' sake and acts way too mature and aware for her age. It’s the one thing that completely took me out of the film and made me wish kids acted like kids sometimes on screen, not like adult meat puppets. (Ed. That's quite disturbing imagery there.)

If your girlfriend holds a gun to your head and forces you to pick something ‘Girl Friendly’ (In the broadest sense of the word) you can do a lot worse then this. You could be forced to see the racist and dehumanizing ‘Sex and The City’ instead. *shivers* (Ed. Good Lord! You haven't actually seen it have you? D: )

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