Sunday, June 22, 2008

Shock And Awe: Six Times The Fun (Part 1)

Red eyed and hallucinating faintly I sit before you. Here's the first half of the movies I caught at the Shock and Awe screening at Fox Cinema.

The Boogeyman (USA. 1980)
The most terrifying nightmare of childhood is about to return!

It starts off as as blatant rip-off of Halloween (Music and All) as we witness a child murder his mother's evil boyfriend. We jump twenty years later and it looks like we'll stick around in slahser land until the plot takes a sudden right turn and morphs into an evil mirror-telekinesis-possession-exorcist-Amytiville mash-up. The characters are bland, the body count small but creative and the ending (Mirrors explode when coming in contact with water?) has to been seen to be believed.

The Black Six. (USA. 1974)
See the 6 biggest, baddest and best waste 150 motorcycle dudes!

Six NFL players ride around on motorcycles (For about 2/3rd of the running time) to a twangy kick-ass theme song. They all seem like fun characters (REALLY stiff manequin like one's) that end up doing nothing. George Washington takes the lead and his horrifying one take drama sequences had the guy next too me gasping for breath as laughter choked the life out of him. The only conflict happens in the last ten minutes where the BLACK SIXXXXX take on what seems to be about 1000 white suprecist (Lead by a guy named THOR in a viking helmet) in an all out fist-fight. Out of nowhere a bike explodes, we freeze frame on it, and then the credits roll. What the hell?

Naughty New Orleans (USA. 1954)

A spicy treat... with the girls you'll meet... on Bourbon Street!

The reddish color scheme (Shot in amazing EASTMAN COLOR!) hurts my eyes. This was nap-time for most of the audience. The naughtiness on stage here ditches conventional things like a plot and decides instead to show us an entire burlesque show in a really cramped little club. The woman bored/chunky and the biggest giggles rose from the awkward cuts to the canned audience members laughing, the highlight being the toothless bald man and the husband and wife couple...Right.

1 comment:

Christian309 said...

Awesome reviews! pretty much how I felt about those movies. Pretty bad movies, but fun with the audience and laughing at the sheer terribleness of the movies. I still can't believe "The Boogyman"'s complete twist mid-way, and Naughty New Orleans... Just plain weird, but I guess I was expecting something else.

Great Job!
