Thursday, September 25, 2008

2001: A Space Odysee (USA. 1968)

People sometimes ask me (in a 'parent scolding a naughty child' tone of voice):

“Why don’t you review films I’ve HEARD about? I don’t want to read a review for something that I’ll NEVER see.”

I do critique films that get released in cinemas every now and then, but most of the time my write-ups are a helter skelter mix of foreign oddities and bargain bin stinkers. I rarely (sometimes on a blue moon) review something that everyone's heard of. There's a very specific reason why I do that...

I have absolutely nothing to say that hasn’t been ten million before.

I saw 2001: A Space Odyssey for the first time today. I could tell you that the pace is glacial, the visuals breathtaking and the last act confounding on a narrative level, yet, enveloping on a purely artistic one. Even though I had never seen the film before, it’s so engrained in our pop-culture that I knew exactly what was coming before it popped on screen. I liked it.

This person also has an opinion

Another Opinion

Look Ma! It never stops! This one is made them fancy picture things!

They're all ten times more precise and thought provoking anything I could ever sling together. It's out out there. I don't need to add my poorly phrased praise onto the pile.

I want this site to be a gate-way to whole new cinematic world. I want to try my best to avoid treading over the same old ground that’s already been stomped to bits. If a mildly retarded 20 year old who’s name rhymes with “Ustin” can find a copy, a smart and good looking person like yourself should have no problem getting your hands on a copy! Start searching. Take chances. Be a Film Junkie!

Coming up next: My Review of Star Wars IV: A New Hope!

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