Sunday, September 14, 2008

SexyKiller (SPAIN. 2008)

Sexykiller desperately want to be a cult film . It’s energetic, fast-paced and has a charismatic turn by the SexyKiller herself, Macarena Gómez. There's even tons of murder and a few zombies to sweeten the pot! What’s there not to like? It's the fact that while director Miguel Martí is a cult film-geek from top the bottom, that doesn’t necessarily translate to the screen.

Barbara (Macarena Gomez) is a med-student that likes to kill people. She doesn’t have a deep-set moral reason and doesn’t think one is needed: If someone pisses her off, crosses her path or wears terrible fashion, they’ve bought their ‘knife to the throat’ ticket. When another med-student named Tobias trips into her life and she falls under the assumption that he’s a fellow serial killer, things start to get a little complicated. Especially when her past victims start roaming about.

Sexykiller successfully puts all of the pieces are in place. They’re simply broken and missing bits of themselves. Most of the jokes fall flat, the fun gore is almost non-existent and only Macarena’s performance is enjoyably consistent. The film starts with a bang of style (Musical numbers, poppy colors, flash cuts and multiple jumps in time) but it tires itself out by about 1/3rd of the way in and falls into a sluggish plot for the rest of the running time. I know that the filmmakers were probably playing with a low budget and a short schedule, but it doesn’t excuse the fact for aiming high when they just can’t deliver:

Here’s a few ‘That would make a terrible climax!” pointers:

1. Relying solely on someone shooting zombies in the shoulder (in slow motion) does not constitute as a romping good horror time.

2. If you introduce a chainsaw and have it on screen for ten minutes. USE IT!

3. Don’t use CGI for the final climactic head-explosion, unless you want the entire audience to go silent because they aren’t quite sure if that was it.

It’s all good that characters say things like “I saw THE EVIL DEAD and that trick won’t work on me!” but doesn’t cut the mustard as its own entertaining entity. Would you rather have someone poorly retell a classic horror film or go and watch it yourself? E for effort!

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