Friday, May 16, 2008

Twitch Film: Awesomeness!

While we hope our dear readers love TFJ like the shivering addicts they are, there must come a time when we bow our heads to the bigger and better movie related website that float on the waves of the Interwebs. (Ed. It's a series of tubes, ya know!)

TWITCHFILM.NET (Run by Toronto native Todd Brown) is my favourite web-site in the entire universe. There’s no better place to find movie news and reviews (With a SEVERE slant on the odd and foreign) with a sly personal style. You’re always guaranteed to find new nuggets, exclusive trailers and interviews with rising stars that the bigger sites (Aintitcool and Chud) won’t hear about for at least five years.

If you don’t check it out at least three times a day, your TFJ membership (with that cool holograph of my head morphing into a shark) will be officially revoked.

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